The Nation’s Largest Land Brokerage House is Expanding

Land Advisors Organization has 26 offices throughout the nation, who provide a roadmap for acquiring, selling, financing or developing land and land-related assets.

Greg Vogel, Land Advisors Organization’s founder and CEO, said Nashville was the next logical option for expansion, calling the city a “missing link in our strategy. It’s become a magnet for not just music, but a large number of employers have shifted there. It’s a pro-growth economy,” he said. 1

Eric Deems, Land Advisors Organization’s Principal Broker, said the new Nashville office will guide current and future landowners through the entire pre-development process — everything from site selection and acquisition to zoning and permitting.

Land use is also getting more complex as Nashville, which is home to more than 2M people and over 50,000 businesses, grows and expands in new ways.  New residents in need of housing are flocking to the city.  Consequently, the Nashville area’s local governments are seeking to guide and handle new construction as real estate developers pitch large scale impactful projects, including landscape changing luxury towers. 2

Nashville continues to attract new businesses from across the country looking to relocate and prosper. As larger parcels are developed, and high rises are built; the planning for future development will continue to become more intricate and challenging.

Companies like Land Advisors Organization are welcomed additions as it looks to add value in the community by focusing on raw land and strategizing future land acquisitions.